Meditation Class

Meditation is a self-care practice that clears the mind, calms the emotions, relaxes the body, elevates mood, helps cope with illnesses and boosts overall energy, health and wellbeing. Seniors, particularly those living alone, can feel plagued by worrisome thoughts. These thoughts overtime produce symptoms like high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, anxiety and depression. Studies show that meditation can free the mind of these unsettling thoughts and rid the body of many chronic health challenges. Meditation can counter the effects of aging on the brain by enhancing memory and helping the brain to process information more readily.

Meditation is not to take the place of professional medical treatment, but should be used to complement your healthcare provider’s treatment plan.

Our Trainers will design an appropriate exercise program that meets the needs of the class. For more information about bringing the Meditation Class to your location, Information Form